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Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 35-45, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006266


ObjectiveTo sort out the historical evolution, prescription evolution and modern clinical application of Huagaisan. MethodHuagaisan and its synonym Huagaitang are used as keywords to search the databases of Traditional Chinese Medicine Think Tank, Chinese Medical Dictionary, Airusheng Chinese Medical Database and China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI). According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, we obtained the information of ancient books and modern clinical research literature related to Huagaisan, and systematically reviewed and analyzed the historical origin, prescription composition, preparation method, dosage, efficacy, medicinal material origin, processing method and modern clinical application of Huagaisan. ResultA total of 198 pieces of ancient book information were included, involving 93 ancient Chinese medicine books. Huagaisan was composed of fried Perillae Fructus, red Poria, fried Mori Cortex, Citri Eoxcarpium Rubrum, stir-fried Armeniacae Semen Amarum, Ephedrae Herba and fried Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, which had the efficacy of promoting the lungs and relieving epidemiological symptoms, expelling phlegm and relieving cough, and treating cough with wind-cold bundled epidemiological symptoms and stagnation of phlegm and Qi. The preparation method was suggested as boiling powder, crushing the seven herbs into coarse particles, the dosage of each drug was fried Perillae Fructus of 1.27 g, red Poria of 1.27 g, fried Mori Cortex of 1.27 g, Citri Eoxcarpium Rubrum of 1.27 g, stir-fried Armeniacae Semen Amarum of 1.27 g, Ephedrae Herba of 1.27 g and fried Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma of 0.64 g, taking 8.26 g when decocting, adding 300 mL of water, decocting to 210 mL, removing the dregs, and taking it warmly after meals. Twenty-one clinical research papers were included to analyze the modern clinical application of Huagaisan, which was mainly used in the treatment of respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis and so on. ConclusionThis paper has verified and summarized the key information of the famous classical formula Huagaisan, which can provide a detailed reference basis for the development and clinical application of its compound preparation.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 279-289, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003790


By consulting ancient herbal books and modern literature, this paper systematically sorted out and researched the processing history, relevant processing norms in recent years, modern processing technology, chemical composition changes of processed products and their pharmacological mechanism of Scutellariae Radix, in order to provide a basis for the further development of Scutellariae Radix decoction pieces. According to the textual research of ancient books, there were many kinds of processing auxiliary materials of Scutellariae Radix, such as wine, vinegar, salt, honey, pig bile and so on, among which the wine processing was the most diverse and detailed, and the processed products such as raw products, stir-fried products, wine-processed products, fried charcoal products were still in use. The modern processing techniques of Scutellariae Radix mainly focus on the processing aspects of softening and slicing, wine processing and charcoal frying, and the research methods are relatively unified. At present, it is found that the changed chemical constituents of Scutellariae Radix after processing are flavonoids, polysaccharides, volatile oils and trace elements, etc. Pharmacological effects of processed products are hemostasis, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic and antipyretic, treatment of lung diseases, treatment of colitis, etc. However, in the studies of Scutellariae Radix processing, there is a lack of research on the structural changes of chemical components caused by processing and a comprehensive comparative study on the pharmacological effects of various processed products. Based on this, it is suggested to carry out systematic research on the processing technology to processing mechanism, further explore the relationship between the change rule of material basis and pharmacological action before and after processing of Scutellariae Radix, and deepen the exploration of molecular mechanism and clinical application of processed products of Scutellariae Radix, in order to clarify the scientific connotation of the processing mechanism of Scutellariae Radix, and lay a foundation for the subsequent expansion of the application of Scutellariae Radix decoction pieces and the formulation of processing standards.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535439


Introducción: La disfagia resulta de varios mecanismos fisiopatológicos donde sus síntomas no son estáticos ni homogéneos en las personas, especialmente cuando existe disfagia orofaríngea neurogénica. Objetivo: Conocer la percepción y comportamiento en el tiempo de síntomas de disfagia mediante el instrumento Eating Assessment Tool-10 (EAT-10) en pacientes con disfagia orofaríngea neurogénica, con el fin de visualizar la dinámica clínica de esta forma de disfagia. Metodología: Estudio observacional tipo cohorte en pacientes con disfagia orofaríngea neurogénica de causas neurológicas y neuromusculares, con seguimiento a tres y seis meses y diligenciamiento del EAT-10 al momento basal, tercer y sexto mes. Resultados: Un total de 90 personas con evaluación basal, de las cuales el 56,7 % (51/90) lograron seguimiento al tercer mes y 25,6 % (23/90) al sexto mes. Los síntomas de disfagia con mayor autopercepción en los tres momentos fueron la dificultad para tragar sólidos, sensación de comida pegada en garganta y tos al comer. La odinofagia no fue un síntoma habitualmente percibido. La puntuación total del EAT-10 estuvo entre 16,61 ± 9 y 18,1 ± 9,5 puntos en general. En pacientes con seguimiento completo se observó variación en la autopercepción para tragar líquidos y pastillas. Se observó variación del puntaje al ajustarlo por recepción de terapias. Discusión: Las enfermedades neurológicas y neuromusculares impactan directamente la deglución con gravedad entre leve a profunda, donde la autopercepción de síntomas deglutorios es dinámica, pero con síntomas cardinales de disfagia orofaríngea en el tiempo. Conclusiones: El reconocimiento y seguimiento de síntomas de disfagia deben ser aspectos usuales en la atención de pacientes con enfermedades neurológicas y neuromusculares.

Introduction: Dysphagia results from several pathophysiological mechanisms where its symptoms are not static or homogeneous in people, especially when there is neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia. Objective: To know the perception and behavior over time of symptoms of dysphagia using the Eating Assessment Tool-10 (EAT-10) in patients with neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia to visualize the clinical dynamics of this form of dysphagia. Methodology: Observational cohort study in patients with neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia of neurological and neuromuscular causes with, follow-up at three and six months, and completion of the EAT-10 at baseline, third and sixth month. Results: A total of 90 people with baseline evaluation were included, of whom 56.7% (51/90) achieved follow-up at the third month and 25.6% (23/90) at the sixth month. Symptoms of dysphagia with greater self-perception at all three moments were difficulty swallowing solids, sensation of food stuck in the throat and coughing when eating. Odynophagia was not a commonly perceived symptom. The total score of the EAT-10 was between 16.61±9 and 18.1±9.5 points in general. In patients with complete follow-up, variation in self-perception of swallowing liquids and pills was observed. Variation of the score when adjusting for the reception of therapies. Discussion: Neurological and neuromuscular diseases directly impact swallowing with mild to profound severity, where self-perception of swallowing symptoms is dynamic, but with cardinal symptoms of oropharyngeal dysphagia over time. Conclusions: The recognition and monitoring of dysphagia symptoms should be usual aspects in the care of patients with neurological and neuromuscular diseases.

Rev. Bras. Neurol. (Online) ; 59(4, supl.1): 40-44, out.- dez. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552696


This narrative review explores the diverse representations of epilepsy in art across different historical periods, examining the intersection of artistic expression with evolving cultural, medical, and societal perceptions. Beginning with ancient and medieval depictions intertwined with religious symbolism, the paper progresses through the Renaissance, and Baroque, and transitions into modern and avant-garde movements. Each period reflects changing attitudes towards epilepsy, from divine interpretations, and religious concerns to anatomical realism and, later, explorations of psychological themes. The contemporary lens focuses on inclusive and empathetic portrayals, utilizing digital media to challenge stigmas and foster understanding.

Esta revisão narrativa explora as diversas representações da epilepsia na arte em diferentes períodos históricos, examinando a intersecção da expressão artística com a evolução das percepções culturais, médicas e sociais. Começando com representações antigas e medievais entrelaçadas com simbolismo religioso, o artigo avança através da Renascença e do Barroco, e transita para movimentos modernos e de vanguarda. Cada período reflete mudanças de atitudes em relação à epilepsia, desde interpretações divinas e preocupações religiosas até o realismo anatômico e, mais tarde, explorações de temas psicológicos. A lente contemporânea centra-se em representações inclusivas e empáticas, utilizando meios digitais para desafiar estigmas e promover a compreensão.

Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(6)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529995


Introducción: La evolución de la virulencia ha despertado el interés de la biología evolutiva por décadas. Se trata de co-evolución entre agentes patógenos y sus hospederos. Se han planteado diferentes hipótesis para la evolución de la virulencia, entre ellas la evolución con un compromiso virulencia-transmisión. Objetivo: Estudiar la evolución de la letalidad y la transmisión del SARS CoV-2 en Chile, con la hipótesis que ha existido un compromiso con disminución de la letalidad y aumento de la transmisión de esta durante la epidemia. Resultados: La letalidad diaria en Chile disminuyó claramente. Aunque no se encontró correlación entre la letalidad diaria y el número reproductivo efectivo, el número reproductivo efectivo máximo asociado a cada variante viral, presentó un aumento claro desde la aparición de la variante γ en adelante (δ y O) en Chile. Conclusión: Este estudio muestra una evolución de la virulencia con un compromiso virulenciatransmisión. Esto puede ser explicado en gran parte por la evolución viral, pero el cambio en letalidad también puede ser afectado por las intervenciones no farmacológicas y farmacológicas realizadas por la población humana.

Background: The evolution of virulence has aroused the interest of evolutionary biology for decades. It is about co-evolution between pathogens and their hosts. Different hypotheses have been put forward for the evolution of virulence, including evolution with a virulence-transmission trade-off. Aim: To study the evolution of the fatality rate and transmission of SARS CoV-2 in Chile, with the hypothesis that there has been a trade-off to a decrease in lethality and an increase in its transmission during the epidemic. Results: The daily fatality rate in Chile clearly decreased. Although no correlation was found between daily fatality rate and effective reproductive number, the maximum effective reproductive number associated with each viral variant showed a clear increase from the appearance of the γ variant onwards (δ and O) in Chile. Conclusion: This study shows an evolution of virulence with a virulence-transmission trade-off. This can be largely explained by viral evolution, but the change in lethality can also be affected by non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions carried out by the human population.

Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 60(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550852


Introducción: Las complicaciones, asociadas al brote anormal de los terceros molares, es posible evitarlas con la germenectomía de estos dientes. Objetivo: Caracterizar la evolución de la germenectomía de terceros molares en pacientes con diagnóstico cefalométrico de brote anormal. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Provincial "Saturnino Lora Torres", desde febrero de 2019 hasta marzo de 2021. Se estudiaron 32 pacientes de 13 a 15 años de edad, interviniéndose quirúrgicamente 78 terceros molares. Las variables fueron edad, sexo, color de la piel, localización y posición del tercer molar; así como las complicaciones trans y posoperatorias y la evolución. Resultados: Entre los 32 pacientes incluidos en el estudio predominó el sexo femenino (62,5 %) y la edad de 14 años (40,6 %). Las complicaciones ocurridas durante la germenectomía fueron más frecuentes en la arcada inferior. Aunque no fueron detectadas diferencias estadísticamente significativas según localización (valor de p>0,05); con 30 transoperatorias para un 38,4 % y 75 posoperatorias para un 96,2 %. Conclusiones: Se evidencia una evolución marcadamente favorable posterior a la germenectomía de terceros molares en la población de pacientes con diagnóstico cefalométrico de brote anormal. En ellos el sangrado transoperatorio y el dolor posoperatorio constituyen las complicaciones a considerar en este tipo de procedimiento quirúrgico.

Introduction: Complications associated with the abnormal eruption of third molars can be avoided with germenectomy of these teeth. Objective: To characterize the evolution of third molar germenectomy in patients with a cephalometric diagnosis of abnormal bud. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in the Maxillofacial Surgery Service at Saturnino Lora Torres Provincial Hospital, from February 2019 to March 2021. Thirty two patients aged 13 to 15 years were studied, with 78 third molars undergoing surgery. The variables were age, sex, skin color, location and position of the third molar; as well as trans and postoperative complications and evolution. Results: Among the 32 patients included in the study, the female sex (62.5%) and the age of 14 years (40.6%) predominated. Complications that occurred during germenectomy were more frequent in the lower arch. Although no statistically significant differences were perceived according to location (p value > 0.05); with 30 intraoperative for 38.4% and 75 postoperative for 96.2%. Conclusions: There is evidence of a markedly favorable evolution after germenectomy of third molars in the population of patients with cephalometric diagnosis of abnormal bud. In them, transoperative bleeding and postoperative pain are the complications to consider in this type of surgical procedure.

An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 84(3)sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520003


El síndrome neuroléptico maligno (SNM) es una reacción adversa medicamentosa potencialmente fatal asociada comúnmente a medicamentos antipsicóticos. Este artículo presenta una revisión actualizada sobre el SNM, aborda su epidemiología, factores de riesgo, presentación clínica, posibles mecanismos subyacentes y tratamiento. Se busca mejorar el reconocimiento temprano, diagnóstico y manejo del SNM en el ámbito clínico para reducir su morbimortalidad. La búsqueda de literatura se realizó en PubMed, fueron priorizados ensayos aleatorizados, revisiones sistemáticas, estudios retrospectivos y reportes de caso. La incidencia del SNM ha disminuido en los últimos años, posiblemente debido a una mejor prescripción y titulación de la medicación. Los factores de riesgo incluyen el uso de antipsicóticos de alta potencia, dosis elevadas, incremento rápido de la dosis y uso de antipsicóticos inyectables de depósito. Se han identificado factores ambientales como la deshidratación, sujeción mecánica y temperaturas extremas. Algunas características psicopatológicas, como la agitación psicomotriz y la confusión, también se han asociado al SNM. Los factores hereditarios y los polimorfismos genéticos pueden influir en la susceptibilidad al SNM, pero se requieren estudios adicionales. La fisiopatología del SNM se relaciona con el bloqueo excesivo de los receptores dopaminérgicos, pero otros cofactores y sistemas neurotransmisores también podrían estar involucrados. El cuadro clínico del SNM se caracteriza por cambios en el estado mental, rigidez muscular, hipertermia, síntomas catatónicos y sudoración profusa. Existen diversas formas de tratamiento, desde medidas generales hasta intervenciones farmacológicas.

The Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a potentially fatal adverse drug reaction commonly associated with antipsychotic medications. This article presents an updated review of NMS, addressing its epidemiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, possible underlying mechanisms, and treatment. The aim is to improve early recognition, diagnosis, and management of NMS in the Peruvian clinical setting to reduce morbidity and mortality. The literature search was conducted in PubMed, prioritizing randomized studies, systematic reviews, retrospective studies, and case reports. The incidence of NMS has decreased in recent years, possibly due to better medication prescription and titration. Risk factors include the use of high-potency antipsychotics, high doses, rapid dose escalation, and the use of depot injectable antipsychotics. Environmental factors such as dehydration, mechanical restraint, and extreme temperatures have been identified. Some psychopathological characteristics, such as psychomotor agitation and confusion, have also been associated with NMS. Genetic factors and genetic polymorphisms may influence susceptibility to NMS, but further studies are needed. The pathophysiology of NMS is related to excessive blockade of dopaminergic receptors, but other cofactors and neurotransmitter systems may be involved. The clinical presentation of NMS is characterized by changes in mental status, muscle rigidity, hyperthermia, catatonic symptoms, and profuse sweating. There are various treatment approaches ranging from general measures to pharmacological interventions.

Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 36(3)sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550931


Al revisar la historia de la optometría y la óptica se encuentra que ha tenido procesos de cambio y evolución, debido a la preocupación por la salud visual que ha venido deteriorándose al transcurrir de los años. Para mostrar dichos cambios se realizó una revisión teórica-histórica del origen y la evolución de la optometría y la óptica. Se tuvo en cuenta los datos que han sido de avance científico, tecnológico y humanístico, no solo en la antigüedad sino también en la actualidad, los cuales han servido para mejorar el desarrollo de nuestra actividad profesional y consecuentemente al mejoramiento del bienestar social. Fueron innumerables los hombres que enriquecieron nuestros conocimientos con sus aportes, por lo cual se ha necesitado de muchos siglos de lenta y progresiva evolución para llegar a ser lo que es hoy en día, una ciencia con todas las bases de la óptica, la anatomía y la fisiología de la visión la cual se rige por leyes que nos permiten un conocimiento más exacto de ella. El objetivo es valorar el proceso de origen y evolución de la optometría y la óptica en Cuba y el mundo.

When reviewing the history of optometry and optics, it is found that it has undergone processes of change and evolution, due to the concern for visual health that has been deteriorating over the years. In order to show these changes, a theoretical-historical review of the origin and evolution of optometry and optics was carried out. We took into account the data that have been of scientific, technological and humanistic progress, not only in ancient times but also at present, which have served to improve the development of our professional activity and consequently to the improvement of social welfare. There were countless men who enriched our knowledge with their contributions, so it has taken many centuries of slow and progressive evolution to become what it is today, a science with all the bases of optics, anatomy and physiology of vision which is governed by laws that allow us a more accurate knowledge of it. The objective is to evaluate the process of origin and evolution of optometry and optics in Cuba and the world.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(Supl. 1)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533904


Los hongos son organismos polifacéticos presentes en casi todos los ecosistemas de la tierra, donde establecen diversos tipos de simbiosis con otros seres vivos. A pesar de ser reconocidos por los humanos desde la antigüedad -y de la cantidad de trabajos que han profundizado sobre su biología y ecología-, aún falta mucho por conocer sobre estos organismos. Algunos de los criterios que clásicamente se han utilizado para su estudio, hoy resultan limitados y hasta cierto punto permiten un agrupamiento de los aislamientos según algunas características, pero generan confusión en su clasificación y, más aún, cuando se pretende comprender sus relaciones genealógicas. Los caracteres fenotípicos no son suficientes para identificar una especie de hongos y, menos aún, para construir una filogenia amplia o de un grupo particular. Hay grandes vacíos que hacen que los árboles generados sean inestables y fácilmente debatidos. Para los profesionales de la salud, parece que la identificación de los hongos hasta niveles inferiores como género y especie es suficiente para elegir el tratamiento más adecuado para su control, comprender la epidemiología de los cuadros clínicos asociados y reconocer los brotes y los factores determinantes de la resistencia a los antimicrobianos. No obstante, la ubicación taxonómica dentro del reino permitiría establecer relaciones filogenéticas entre los taxones fúngicos, facilitando la comprensión de su biología, su distribución en la naturaleza y la evolución de su potencial patogénico. Los avances de las técnicas de biología molecular y las ciencias de la computación en los últimos 30 años han permitido cambios importantes dirigidos a establecer los criterios para definir una especie fúngica y alcanzar una construcción filogenética más o menos estable. Sin embargo, el camino por recorrer aún es largo, y supone un trabajo mancomunado de la comunidad científica a nivel global y el apoyo a la investigación básica.

Fungi are multifaceted organisms found in almost all ecosystems on Earth, where they establish various types of symbiosis with other living beings. Despite being recognized by humans since ancient times, and the high number of works delving into their biology and ecology, much is still unknown about these organisms. Some criteria classically used for their study are nowadays limited, generating confusion in categorizing them, and even more, when trying to understand their genealogical relationships. To identify species within Fungi, phenotypic characters to date are not sufficient, and to construct a broad phylogeny or a phylogeny of a particular group, there are still gaps affecting the generated trees, making them unstable and easily debated. For health professionals, fungal identification at lower levels such as genus and species, is enough to select the most appropriate therapy for their control, understand the epidemiology of clinical pictures associated, and recognize outbreaks and antimicrobial resistance. However, the taxonomic location within the kingdom, information with apparently little relevance, can allow phylogenetic relationships to be established between fungal taxa, facilitating the understanding of their biology, distribution in nature, and pathogenic potential evolution. Advances in molecular biology and computer science techniques from the last 30 years have led to crucial changes aiming to establish the criteria to define a fungal species, allowing us to reach a kind of stable phylogenetic construction. However, there is still a long way to go, and it requires the joint work of the scientific community at a global level and support for basic research.

Gac. méd. Méx ; 159(3): 199-206, may.-jun. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448277


Resumen Antecedentes: El trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) constituye una condición crónica con riesgos asociados a largo plazo. Objetivo: Analizar el estado clínico, la ocupación y las dificultades de la vida diaria de dos cohortes de niños con diagnóstico de TDAH (2004 y 2009) después cinco y 10 años. Material y método: Estudio descriptivo y longitudinal de la base de datos WOMI correspondiente a Oviedo, Asturias, España. Se incluyeron niños detectados con TDAH por su pediatra de atención primaria. Se solicitó una entrevista telefónica voluntaria de seguimiento. Las variables de resultado fueron estado clínico y ocupacional al momento de la entrevista, síntomas de TDAH según SNAP-IV y Cuestionario de Fortalezas y Dificultades (SDQ). Resultados: La muestra entrevistada estuvo formada por 95 sujetos, de los cuales 71 respondieron a los cuestionarios SNAP-IV y SDQ; 60.7 % de la muestra no recibía tratamiento en el momento del seguimiento, 4.7 % no tenía ninguna ocupación, 25.4 % mantenía síntomas globales de TDAH en nivel superior al punto de corte clínico y 66.2 % presentaba dificultades con interferencia moderada. Conclusiones: Los síntomas del TDAH disminuyen conforme las personas crecen. Las comorbilidades de salud mental y el abandono académico no se confirmaron en la muestra.

Abstract Background: Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition with long-term associated risks. Objective: To analyze the clinical status, occupation, and daily life difficulties of two cohorts of children diagnosed with ADHD (2004 and 2009) after five and 10 years. Material and method: Descriptive, longitudinal study using the WOMI database corresponding to Oviedo, Asturias, Spain. Children with ADHD detected by their primary care pediatrician were included. A voluntary follow-up telephone interview was requested. Outcome variables were current clinical and occupational status, ADHD symptoms according to SNAP-IV, and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Results: The interviewed sample consisted of 95 subjects, out of whom 71 answered the SNAP-IV and SDQ questionnaires; 60.70% of the sample did not receive treatment at the time of follow-up, 4.7% had no occupation, 25.40% still had ADHD global symptoms above the clinical cutoff point, and 66.2% had difficulties with moderate interference. Conclusions: ADHD symptoms decline as people grow up. Mental health comorbidities and academic dropout were not confirmed in the sample.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(2): 383-388, abr. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440338


SUMMARY: In elasmobranch fishes, variations in gross structural organization of cerebellum has been extensively explored. The basic histological features of cerebellum although conserved in the group but the comparative account on subtle cellular variations is largely underestimated. The present study aims to explore the histological and cellular variations in different layers of cerebellar cortex of the representative elasmobranchs' species belonging to different habitat. Our findings showed that the histological architecture of cerebellar granular layer between the examined species varies noticeably. By and large increase cellular density were observed in all the layers of cerebellum in the representative species of shark compared to ray. The findings were then compared and discussed with reference to their habitat and behavior.

En los peces elasmobranquios, las variaciones en la organización estructural general del cerebelo se han explorado ampliamente. Las características histológicas básicas del cerebelo, aunque se conservan en el grupo, pero la descripción comparativa de las variaciones celulares sutiles es limitada. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo explorar las variaciones histológicas y celulares en diferentes capas de la corteza cerebelosa de las especies representativas de elasmobranquios pertenecientes a diferentes hábitats. Nuestros hallazgos mostraron que la arquitectura histológica de la capa granular del cerebelo entre las especies examinadas varía notablemente. Se observó un gran aumento de la densidad celular en todas las capas del cerebelo en las especies representativas de tiburón en comparación con la raya. Luego, los hallazgos se compararon y discutieron con referencia a su hábitat y comportamiento.

Animals , Cerebellum/anatomy & histology , Elasmobranchii/anatomy & histology , Biological Evolution
Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(2): 283-288, 20230303. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425201


Introducción. Las fugas anastomóticas son una complicación común y crítica en cirugía gastrointestinal, por lo que su identificación y tratamiento temprano son necesarios para evitar resultados adversos. El uso convencional con un valor límite de la proteína C reactiva ha demostrado una utilidad limitada. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la utilidad de la medición seriada de la proteína C reactiva en la detección de fugas anastomóticas. Métodos. Revisión prospectiva de base de datos retrospectiva de pacientes sometidos a cirugía abdominal mayor con al menos una anastomosis intestinal. Se midió la proteína C reactiva al tercer y quinto día posoperatorio. Las complicaciones se categorizaron según la clasificación de Clavien-Dindo. La precisión diagnóstica fue evaluada por el área bajo la curva. Resultados. Se incluyeron 157 pacientes, el 52 % mujeres. La edad promedio fue de 63,7 años. El mayor número de cirugías correspondió a gastrectomía (36,3 %), resección anterior de recto (15,3 %) y hemicolectomía derecha (13,4 %). El 25,5 % tuvieron alguna complicación postoperatoria y el 32,5 % (n=13) presentaron fuga en la anastomosis. El aumento de la proteína C reactiva tuvo un área bajo la curva de 0,918 con un punto de corte de aumento en 1,3 mg/L, sensibilidad de 92,3 % (IC95% 78 ­ 100) y una especificidad de 92,4 % (IC95% 88 ­ 96). Conclusiones. El aumento de 1,3 mg/L en la proteína C reactiva entre el día de la cirugía y el quinto día fue un predictor preciso de fugas anastomóticas en pacientes con cirugía abdominal mayor

Introduction. Anastomotic leaks are a common and critical complication in gastrointestinal surgery. Their identification and early treatment are necessary to avoid adverse results, and conventional use with a cutoff value of C-reactive protein has shown limited utility. The objective of this study was to determine the usefulness of serial measurement of C-reactive protein in the detection of anastomotic leaks. Methods. Prospective review of a retrospective database of patients undergoing major abdominal surgery with at least one intestinal anastomosis. C-reactive protein was measured on the third and fifth postoperative days. Complications were classified according to the Clavien-Dindo classification. Diagnostic accuracy was evaluated by the area under the curve.Results. 157 patients were included, 52% were females. The average age was 63.7 years. The largest number of surgeries corresponded to gastrectomies (36.3%), anterior resection of the rectum (15.3%) and right hemicolectomies (13.4%). 25.5% had some postoperative complication and 32.5% (n=13) had anastomosis leaks. The increase in C-reactive protein had an area under the curve of 0.918 with an increase cut-off point of 1.3 mg/L, sensitivity of 92.3% (95% CI 78-100) and specificity of 92.4%. (95% CI 88-96). Conclusions. The 1.3 mg/L increase in C-reactive protein between the day of surgery and the fifth day was an accurate predictor of anastomotic leaks in patients with major abdominal surgery

Humans , Protein C , Anastomosis, Surgical , Anastomotic Leak , Postoperative Complications , Digestive System Surgical Procedures , Clinical Evolution , Gastrectomy
DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 35jan. 31, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429002


Introduction: Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. In Brazil, its incidence has increased, along with the lack of penicillin, the antibiotic of choice for congenital syphilis, from 2014 to 2017. During this period, children were treated with alternative drugs, but to date, data from the scientific literature do not recommend another antibiotic. Objective: To compare the progression, according to the established treatment, and evaluate the follow-up in health care facilities in Vila Velha (Espírito Santo) of children with congenital syphilis aged up to two years, born in Hospital Infantil e Maternidade Alzir Bernardino Alves ­ a reference in neonatology and low-risk pregnancy in the state at the time ­ from 2015 to 2016, when the hospital experienced a greater lack of penicillin. Methods: This is a retrospective cross-sectional observational study based on data from medical records of the hospital and other healthcare facilities in the city. We performed statistical analyses, per health district, of epidemiological and sociodemographic data, as well as those related to visits, their frequency, and clinical profile, according to the follow-up parameters proposed by the Ministry of Health at the time. Results: Medical records of 121 children were evaluated, presenting as the main findings: only 35% of the children completed the follow-up; among those treated with ceftriaxone, 55.2% completed the follow-up, and 100% of the children whose venereal disease research laboratory was greater than that of their mother at birth completed the follow-up. Of the symptomatic children at birth who remained or became symptomatic at follow-up, 58.8% used ceftriaxone. Conclusion: Among symptomatic children at birth, most of those treated with ceftriaxone remained symptomatic at follow-up. The Counseling and Testing Center was the most successful facility in the follow-up of these children. District 5 had the lowest success rate in the follow-up of these patients, and districts 1 and 2 showed the lowest rates of appropriate approach to congenital syphilis during follow-up. (AU)

Introdução: A sífilis é uma infecção sexualmente transmissível causada pela bactéria Treponema pallidum. No Brasil, sua incidência vem aumentando, acompanhada da falta de penicilina, antibiótico de escolha para a sífilis congênita, no período de 2014­2017. Nesse período, as crianças foram tratadas com medicamentos alternativos, porém dados da literatura científica até o momento não recomendam outro antibiótico. Objetivo: Comparar a evolução, de acordo com o tratamento instituído, e avaliar o acompanhamento nas unidades de saúde em Vila Velha (ES), até os dois anos de idade, das crianças com sífilis congênita nascidas no Hospital Infantil e Maternidade Alzir Bernardino Alves ­ referência em neonatologia e gravidez de baixo risco no estado na época ­ de 2015 a 2016, período em que houve maior falta de penicilina no hospital. Métodos: Estudo observacional do tipo transversal, retrospectivo, baseado em dados dos prontuários do hospital e outras Unidades de Saúde do município. Foram analisados estatisticamente, por região de saúde, dados epidemiológicos, sociodemográficos, bem como relativos às consultas, sua periodicidade e ao perfil clínico, de acordo com os parâmetros de seguimento propostos pelo Ministério da Saúde na época. Resultados: Avaliaram-se os prontuários de 121 crianças, obtendo-se como principais achados: somente 35% das crianças tiveram seguimento completo; das crianças tratadas com ceftriaxona, 55,2% tiveram seguimento completo, e 100% das crianças que tiveram VDRL maior que o da mãe no parto completaram o seguimento. Das crianças sintomáticas ao nascimento e que permaneceram ou ficaram sintomáticas no seguimento, 58,8% fizeram uso de ceftriaxona. Conclusão: Das crianças sintomáticas ao nascimento, as tratadas com ceftriaxona, em sua maioria, mantiveram-se sintomáticas no seguimento. O Centro de Testagem e Aconselhamento teve maior êxito no acompanhamento dessas crianças. A região 5 teve a menor taxa de êxito no seguimento desses pacientes, e as regiões 1 e 2 menor taxa de abordagem correta para sífilis congênita durante o seguimento. (AU)

Humans , Female , Child , Adult , Penicillins/supply & distribution , Syphilis, Congenital/drug therapy , Anti-Bacterial Agents/supply & distribution , Penicillins/therapeutic use , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e245372, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339409


Abstract Hybridization and Polyploidization are most common of the phenomenon observed in plants, especially in the genus Nicotiana leading to the duplication of genome. Although genomic changes associated with these events has been studied at various levels but the genome size and GC content variation is less understood because of absence of sufficient genomic data. In this study the flow cytometry technique was used to uncover the genome size and GC contents of 46 Nicotiana species and we compared the genomic changes associated with the hybridization events along evolutionary time scale. The genome size among Nicotiana species varied between 3.28 pg and 11.88 pg whereas GC contents varied between 37.22% and 51.25%. The tetraploid species in genus Nicotiana including section Polydiclae, Repandae, Nicotiana, Rustica and Sauveolentes revealed both up and downsizing in their genome sizes when compared to the sum of genomes of their ancestral species. The genome sizes of three homoploid hybrids were found near their ancestral species. Loss of large genome sequence was observed in the evolutionary more aged species (>10 Myr) as compared to the recently evolved one's (<0.2 Myr). The GC contents were found homogenous with a mean difference of 2.46% among the Nicotiana species. It is concluded that genome size change appeared in either direction whereas the GC contents were found more homogenous in genus Nicotiana.

Resumo A hibridização e a poliploidização são os fenômenos mais comuns observados em plantas, principalmente no gênero Nicotiana, levando à duplicação do genoma. Embora as mudanças genômicas associadas a esses eventos tenham sido estudadas em vários níveis, o tamanho do genoma e a variação do conteúdo de GC são menos compreendidos devido à ausência de dados genômicos suficientes. Neste estudo, a técnica de citometria de fluxo foi usada para descobrir o tamanho do genoma e o conteúdo de GC de 46 espécies de Nicotiana, e comparamos as mudanças genômicas associadas aos eventos de hibridização ao longo da escala de tempo evolutiva. O tamanho do genoma entre as espécies de Nicotiana variou entre 3,28 pg e 11,88 pg, enquanto os conteúdos de GC variaram entre 37,22% e 51,25%. As espécies tetraploides do gênero Nicotiana, incluindo as seções Polydiclae, Repandae, Nicotiana, Rustica e Sauveolentes, revelaram aumento e redução do tamanho do genoma quando comparados à soma dos genomas de suas espécies ancestrais. Os tamanhos do genoma de três híbridos homoploides foram encontrados perto de suas espécies ancestrais. A perda da grande sequência do genoma foi observada nas espécies evolutivas mais velhas (> 10 Myr) em comparação com as que evoluíram recentemente (< 0,2 Myr). Os teores de GC foram homogêneos com diferença média de 2,46% entre as espécies de Nicotiana. Conclui-se que a mudança no tamanho do genoma apareceu em ambas as direções, enquanto os conteúdos de GC foram encontrados mais homogêneos no gênero Nicotiana.

Tobacco/genetics , Genome, Plant/genetics , Phylogeny , Base Composition , Genome Size
Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 212-220, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-953942


By reviewing the relevant literature of ancient herbal works and modern codices, this paper sorted out the historical evolution and developmental venation of processing of Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma. On this basis, the modern research of processed products of Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma was used as the breakthrough point to analyze the literature in terms of processing technology, chemical composition changes and changes in pharmacological effects before and after processing. According to the research status of processing of Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma, some existing problems were analyzed in this paper, such as not many ancient processing methods used in modern time, lack of standardized research on processing technology. And saponins, polysaccharides, amino acids, flavonoids and other chemical components in Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma may change to different degrees before and after processing, which was the main reason for the difference of efficacy before and after processing. However, the current research on the pharmacological effects of Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma mainly focuses on raw products, resulting in a lack of in-depth research on the transformation mechanism of Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma in processing difference, and the scientific connotation of "Shengxiao Shubu" has not been clearly elaborated, which is not conducive to the standardized clinical use of drugs. Therefore, it is necessary to further analyze the material basis of Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma and its processed products, and to explore the change rule of chemical components before and after processing and its correlation with pharmacodynamic activity, so as to clarify the processing mechanism for providing scientific basis for its standardized processing, quality control and clinical rational use.

International Eye Science ; (12): 567-572, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965778


AIM: To investigate the short-term visual quality outcomes after femtosecond laser small incision lenticule extraction(SMILE)and evolution implantable collamer lens(EVO-ICL)implantation for the correction of moderate myopia.METHODS: Prospective control study. A total of 51 cases(51 eyes)with moderate myopia who underwent SMILE or EVO-ICL implantation surgery at Weifang Eye Hospital from April 2021 to February 2022 were selected. They were divided into SMILE group(30 patients, 30 eyes)and EVO-ICL group(21 patients, 21 eyes)according to the surgical methods. The changes of visual acuity [uncorrected distance visual acuity(UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity(CDVA)], diopter [spherical equivalent(SE)] and related parameters of optical quality analysis system(OQAS Ⅱ)were observed before surgery and at 1wk, 1 and 3mo after surgery, and the quality of vision(QoV)questionnaire was completed.RESULTS: At 3mo after surgery, the safety index(postoperative CDVA/preoperative CDVA)of SMILE gruop and EVO-ICL group were 1.20(1.00, 1.20)and 1.20(1.00, 1.38), respectively, the efficacy index(postoperative UDVA/preoperative CDVA)were 1.00(1.00, 1.20)and 1.00(1.00, 1.20), respectively, and the percentage of SE within ±0.50D was 87% and 100%, respectively. In SMILE group, the objective scattering index(OSI)was increased after surgery, while modulation transfer function cutoff frequency(MTF cutoff), contrast visual acuity(VA)100%, and VA20% at 1wk and 1mo after surgery, and Strehl ratio(SR)and VA9% at each time point after surgery were all decreased compared with those before surgery(all P&#x0026;#x003C;0.05). The OSI, MTF cutoff, SR and VA of EVO-ICL group showed no difference at each time point after surgery compared with those before surgery(all P&#x0026;#x003E;0.05). The most common visual symptoms after SMILE and EVO-ICL implantation were visual haze and halos, respectively.CONCLUSION: Both SMILE and EVO-ICL implantation have good safety, efficacy and predictability in the short term after the correction of moderate myopia. Both groups had visual symptoms after surgery, but the overall satisfaction of patients was high. Furthermore, EVO-ICL implantation has better objective visual quality performance.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 8-17, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965643


Danggui Liuhuangtang is the 47th of the 100 famous classical formulas published by the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and is known as the holy medicine for night sweat. By bibliometrics, the authors collected the ancient books on Danggui Liuhuangtang and screened out 269 valid data, involving 156 ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine. The analysis on the historical origin, disease syndromes, pathogenesis, composition, dosage, preparation, usage, and processing of Danggui Liuhuangtang found that this famous classical formula originated from Secret Book of the Orchid Chamber (《兰室秘藏》) written by LI Dongyuan, and is composed of Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Rehmanniae Radix, Rehmanniae Radix Praeparata, Phellodendri Chinensis Cortex, Scutellariae Radix, Coptidis Rhizoma and Astragali Radix. It has the functions of nourishing Yin, reducing fire, consolidating exterior and stopping sweating, and mainly treats night sweat due to Yin deficiency and fire exuberance. In the later generations, disease syndromes are mostly treated based on LI Dongyuan's theory, and have expanded to more than 30 kinds (339 in total), among which night sweat (208) was the most, accounting for 61.36% of the total disease syndromes, followed by spontaneous sweating (38), accounting for 11.21%. Additionally, it was found that Danggui Liuhuangtang was widely used in modern clinical practice for various disease syndromes. Among them, endocrine disease (77, 28.21%) was predominant, followed by gynecological disease (48, 17.58%), and pediatric disease (24, 8.79%). Although Danggui Liuhuangtang treats many disease syndromes, their pathogenesis was always yin deficiency and fire exuberance. Through the systematic excavation of the ancient books on Danggui Liuhuangtang and the analysis of its modern clinical application, this paper probed into the historical evolution and confirmed the key information of the formula, providing detailed literature basis for the research and development application of famous classical formulas.

Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice ; (6): 187-191, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965571


Combretum indicum can kill insects and benefit the spleen and stomach, which is the most important medicine to treat children's diseases. The classics of materia medica, calendar edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia, local processing standards and related literature were reviewed to sort out the processing history of Combretum indicum, compare the ancient medicinal parts and processing methods, and summarize the inclusion in national and local standards. The history of the evolution of Combretum indicum was summarized in order to provide ideas for rational drug use in clinical and standard improvement.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 14-24, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-961679


Benzoinum has a long history of medicinal use. In order to standardize its clinical use, the author made systematic textual research on the name, origin, evolution of scientific name, producing area, property, quality evaluation, harvesting and processing of Benzoinum by reviewing the ancient materia medica, medical books and modern literature. According to the research, the mainstream variety of Benzoinum recorded in ancient materia medica should be the dry resin of Styrax tonkinensis of Styracaceae. In addition to S. benzoin, which was also used in many applications. In modern times, S. benzoin was the mainstream, but in practice, it was mostly the resin of various plants of the genus Styrax, and then S. tonkinensis and S. benzoides were recorded as the main sources of Benzoinum. Nowadays, it mainly comes from S. tonkinensis. In ancient times, the producing areas of Benzoinum were Persia, Xirong, Annan and other places, whereas now are distributed in Indonesia, Sumatra, Thailand, Vietnam, and Fujian, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong and other places in China, but most of the medicinal materials in China are imported. Traditionally, the medicinal materials of Benzoinum with properties of oily, waxy luster, brittle and fragile, strong aroma, sand feeling when chewing and no impurities are considered better. In antiquity, the harvesting time of Benzoinum was concentrated in July and August, while in modern times, it is harvested in summer and autumn, and collected in various ways, usually the trees are selected to be harvested if they are more than 10 years old, and the best quality being the first, milky resin collected when the time of cutting the trees is from April to June. In the past dynasties, the powdered resin was mainly ground and used in formulas, in addition, there were also records of wine steaming into paste and processing with honey, etc. The 1953 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia added records such as sevum benzoinatum and adeps benzoinatus, and now it is mostly used as powder into pills or powers, or used after processing with wine. Based on the results of textual research, it is suggested that although the dry resin of S. benzoin is not a medicinal variety of Benzoinum included in the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia, it has a long history of application and has some clinical value, so its medicinal feasibility can be explored in depth. In the development of famous classical formulas containing Benzoinum, the dry resin of S. tonkinensis or S. benzoin can be used, which should be used in medicine as powder after dried or processed according to the requirements of prescriptions.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 94-103, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960911


By reviewing ancient materia medica, medical books and modern literature, this paper conducted a systematic research on name, origin, scientific name evolution, producing area, quality, harvesting and processing methods of Alpiniae Officinarum Rhizoma. The results showed that Alpiniae Officinarum Rhizoma was first published in Mingyi Bielu, and its correct name was Gaoliangjiang. The mainstream origin of Alpiniae Officinarum Rhizoma used in the past dynasties is Alpinia officinarum, which is used to this day, while it used to be mixed with A. galanga because of the similar name and morphology. Alpiniae Officinarum Rhizoma produced in Danzhou and Leizhou was considered to be better in ancient times, and now it mainly produced in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan provinces. In addition, it has been concluded that Alpiniae Officinarum Rhizoma with reddish brown, sturdy and firm character, wrinkled skin, convex flesh, aromatic and spicy taste, and few branches is the best. In ancient times, Alpiniae Officinarum Rhizoma was commonly harvested in February and March, whereas it generally harvested in late summer or early autumn at present, and wild products are usually harvested before the rainy season in May. The main processing methods of Alpiniae Officinarum Rhizoma are cleansing and cutting, and some other methods are stir-frying or mixing with auxiliary materials. Based on the research results, it is suggested that the raw products of A. officinarum rhizomes or its processed products according to prescription requirements should be used in the development of famous classical formulas containing Alpiniae Officinarum Rhizoma.